Coomaka Water Project
Coomaka a small community of a 1000 residents is located near to the Demerara River, one of the main waterways in Guyana. After the closure of the mining operations more than 14 years, the community due poverty was faced with the absence of portable water and use the unprotected source of the river as their water supply. At spring tide, the river would swell its banks and enter the latrines. This situation results in the additional contamination of the river water with fecal coli forms that cause skin infections and diarrhea. This problem occurs in cycles of two to three times per year and is a burden to health resources and stems the alleviation of poverty.
At a cost of USD 68,000 “The Coomaka Water Project” is designed to construct a well, water distribution system, elevated storage tanks and solar powered water pump to supply the community with a safe source of water includes forty stand pipes that will make the potable water accessible to the 172 households.
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